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Hello all. I am trying to create a database that contains the street name or POI name and their corresponding lon lat. I plan to get the data from the .osm that I have downloaded. Are there already tools available to do this?

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asked 05 May '12, 00:18

HermanJr's gravatar image

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answered 05 May '12, 10:42

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Sorry but I am really new to this. All I know is that the tools above can extract and manipulate data. But I can't seem to find out how to transfer selected data to a database. My goal database is like this

LocationName Longitude Latitude

Sorry for troubling you but it will be nice if you can help me. thank you!

(07 May '12, 10:00) HermanJr

Read the documentation about the mentionned tools (search on the OSM wiki). You will see that they also transfer data to databases. Also check nominatim doc for geo- and reverse-geocoding.

(07 May '12, 12:27) Pieren

I would not encourage you to do this. There are no tools in mapping systems that extract names/text “with their corresponding lon lat”. Simply, this is meaningless. As a rule, names are attached/related to objects and not to positions. Where and how a name will be displayed/rendered (along a line-work object, inside an area object, close to a point object..) is just a matter of a designer’s decision. In a modern vector transmission based mapping system if the names are rendered this is done on-the-fly, dynamically positioned, scaled, curved… depending on the configuration of the portion of any particular object that falls into the view-port to display. Shortly, there is no direct and 1:1 relation between names and positions. Yet, if you insist on your data-base and you see certain use for it, with a small programming effort you could create a name-position (1:N) record array and from there your data-base

(07 May '12, 14:27) sanser

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question asked: 05 May '12, 00:18

question was seen: 4,669 times

last updated: 07 May '12, 21:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum