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For some reason, the label for San Pedro Sula, the 2nd biggest city in Honduras, isn't showing up until you zoom in a lot. Smaller cities are appearing, however. I tried adding both a point and an area for the city, with the population and wikipedia tags yesterday, and it's still not there. What gives?

asked 03 May '12, 19:36

Marion%20Barry's gravatar image

Marion Barry
accept rate: 0%

It will soon show up, thanks to you! It is already visable on zoom 13-14, it will take some time for to show up at zoom 12 and lower. You can read this if you want to know more about how Mapnik updates.

permanent link

answered 03 May '12, 19:57

TheOddOne2's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

Ah, thanks!

(04 May '12, 14:40) Marion Barry

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question asked: 03 May '12, 19:36

question was seen: 4,113 times

last updated: 04 May '12, 14:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum