Hi, I'm using OSM for the first time now and really need some help. I'm doing a school project and would like to filter out everything except the highways of an .osm file. I need this because the file is way to large for my computer. If I import the downloaded file it also generates al the nearby 'small' road segments which I don't need. This takes a lot of time and my computer refuses to add the file while it is generates in PreScan. I tried to use Osmosis but somehow my computer refuses (or I do it wrong). So I tried another program called OSMembrane to filter but I only get ERRORs. Can someone help me with this. I only need the Highway in the .osm file Thnaks in advance |
osmfilter can be your friend! Read all instrucions at the wiki page and when starting that programm with -h First, try all options with a small raw osm-file. You have to decide to choose the drop feature or keep feature ... or both? Thus you can find the way how to process a bigger source osm file. |