Hello We are thinking about using Iphone+OSM as application for the city of Antwerpen. We are an inspection-department. Who can give some advice about witch Applications(navigation/registration) are usefull and how we can use it in our work. Is there somebody living in Antwerpen who we can meet? Hallo We overwegen het gebruik van Iphone+OSM bij de Stad Antwerpen bij stadstoezicht. Wie kan er advies geven over nuttige applicaties (navigatie/registratie) en hoe we deze voor ons werk kunnen inzetten. Is er iemand die in Antwerpen woont, waar we een afspraak mee kunnen maken? Dan Celis Stadstoezicht/Stad Antwerpen |
To get in contact to local OSM activists, you can have a deeper look at WikiProject_Netherlands or at Local_contacts |
You'll have to explain your needs a bit better : what would you want the application to do ? The wiki has a list of iOS apps that may suit you. |