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I am buying a Garmin eTrex Vista HCx. I am goona try OSM first.

So, a big question: Can I enter destination address in the map and get the rout like usual Garmin GPS maps? (Is there any difference between the two types of maps? OSM vs Garmin maps?)

asked 02 May '12, 20:59

SlashFlash2011's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 May '12, 07:34

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan

First of all, thank you for your super-quick answer and thanks everybody who has taken a role in developing this project. I am a programmer and I know how valuable your works are.

I have downloaded the map from

The page ( says the map is routable. I should just put the img file in the memory card and insert it into the GPS.

My concern is if we can use OSM maps to get routs like Garmin maps. I mean when I use the car GPS, I enter the destination (the GPS has already detected where I am at the time) and the GPS gives me the rout to the destination and in case if I get on a wrong road, the GPS re-routs and gives me a new schedule. Does a OSM do the same for me?

(02 May '12, 22:07) SlashFlash2011

That has nothing to do with the map data, that is in the (Garmin) software.

(02 May '12, 22:33) TheOddOne2

It has also to do with map data. The destination might or might not be present in OSM database. And even if the city/town/village is present, you might need a street name or even a house number. If the data is missing in OSM, it will not be in your GPS map. If you add it in OSM, some delays are required until the changes are reflected in such third parties applications.

(03 May '12, 14:54) Pieren

I have to say that, while the eTrex vista is a great tracking GPS, its lack of keyboard makes it too much of a pain to type in addresses. It's much easyer to scroll/zoom to where you want to go (provided you can find your destination that way) and click "enter" twice.

(03 May '12, 15:49) Vincent de P... ♦

I don't know about Garmin eTrex Vista HCx specifically, but generally to use an OSM map with navigation you have to use a map that has been generated with routing enabled. So if the navigation doesn't work for you the first thing to check is that the map you downloaded from somewhere actually was generated with routing enabled.

Depending of how skilled you are you may also generate your own Garmin maps using for example osmosis and mkgmap. For more information see OSM Map On Garmin.

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answered 02 May '12, 21:23

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 02 May '12, 20:59

question was seen: 6,689 times

last updated: 03 May '12, 15:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum