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I'm trying to map buildings with different parts in JOSM (version 5181). I use one closed way per building part (and tag it with 'building:part=yes') & then one closed way to mark the hole building (which I tag with 'building=yes' and 'building:parts=horizontal/vertical/mixed').

When I try to submit my changes I get a warning that the ways of my building parts are intersecting… Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks, Stefan.

asked 23 Apr '12, 18:40

Stefan%20Nagy's gravatar image

Stefan Nagy
accept rate: 0%

You might try updating JOSM to the current version of 7588. Your version 5181 is very old and a lot of improvements/alterations have since been made to JOSM and it's plug-ins. Regards

(07 Oct '14, 09:05) BCNorwich

I wrote this more than two years ago, so that's why the mentioned version is very old ;) I'll try to reproduce this behavior by mapping a building with building parts (as described above) with the current version of JOSM as soon as possible. Thanks

(07 Oct '14, 09:43) Stefan Nagy

The JOSM validator has several levels of notification.

Detected errors generally are unambiguously wrong.

Warnings are of suspicious looking items, it's generally a good idea to check these carefully to make sure you haven't made a mistake. If everything looks OK then you should be OK to upload.

In the case you mentioned I would think your edits are fine, I think the building:part=* tag isn't something the JOSM developers expected when they wrote the Validator.

More information on the validator can be found at the link below.

permanent link

answered 06 Oct '14, 22:17

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

Thank you! I have to see if I can still reproduce this behavior in the current version of JOSM. However, would you suggest to file a bug report against JOSM in cases like this? Would it be helpful to the developers?

(07 Oct '14, 09:49) Stefan Nagy

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question asked: 23 Apr '12, 18:40

question was seen: 4,287 times

last updated: 07 Oct '14, 09:49

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