If you edit one of the end nodes and zoom right in you'll see that it doesn't quite join - click on one of the end nodes, delete it, move the mouse over the other end node, and click. You'll notice when you do this that the cursor changes as you hover over the other node. Thanks. I didn`t see, that it was not completely connected.
(23 Apr '12, 17:57)
It is interesting to know what the problem was, but could you please also explain how you found it? Does either potlatch or JOSM offer a simple method for determining whether a way is a closed loop?
(23 Apr '12, 19:45)
Yes - if you look at the browse link and the first node and the last node aren't the same it isn't joined. To see the problem, zoom in on the first or last node until you can see the two very-close-but-not-joined nodes.
(23 Apr '12, 19:49)
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