I've uploaded hundreds of GPS Traces to OSM throughout 2011 and 2012. Until a few months ago, I forgot to save them locally on my computer after uploading them to OSM. I'd like to do some Visualizations with them. (Ideally, I'd like to select ones by tag as well). How could I download all of them (besides manually opening every individual trace and then manually downloading them in a web browser) ? If this isn't easily feasible at the moment, is there anything else in the API (I'm just beginning to look into Downloading Trace Metadata) that would help me to do this ? |
There's no one-click way of downloading all your traces, but a little scripting work can get them for you. The list of traces you've uploaded is available in XML format at http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/user/gpx_files (you might be prompted for your username and password). Extract the URLs from that XML and feed them into something like curl or wget, and you should be able to get all your traces back without having to click on each one in the web interface. |
The latest version of Viking v1.4 has a feature to download ones own GPS Traces. http://sourceforge.net/projects/viking In the program itself use File->Acquire->My OSM Traces... This will get a list of all your traces, from this list one can then select the traces you want to get and they will be downloaded into Viking. Admittedly ATM there is no simple way to then export all traces out to GPX files (other than doing it one by one). |