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i want to map where the charity shops are in towns. would i be able to use the charity logo?

asked 19 Apr '12, 17:31

wendy%20howe's gravatar image

wendy howe
accept rate: 0%

There is a shop=charity tag in use, and a shop=second_hand tag as well. It depends on the renderer how these tags are presented on a map, if presented at all.

And that's general for Openstreetmap. There are a lot of things put in the Openstreetmap database but everything isn't rendered on all maps, and not on all zoom levels either. It's the person who renders the map who decides which icons to use and what to put on the map. The map at is just an example, a kinda proof of concept. The wiki maps page shows a lot of more maps, and in the same way someone has made to show fire stations a skilled enough person could make a map with charity shops emphasized.

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answered 19 Apr '12, 18:38

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


Tagging wise, I'd also add name='name of shop/charity' and then operator='name of charity' tag too.

Covers usage of UK charity shops

(19 Apr '12, 21:03) robbieonsea

I'm sure you would need permission to use any charity's logo since they are often protected by trademarks and/or copyright to maintain control of their identity.

If you planned on creating an online map similar to:

Then you would have to seek permission, or generate your own icons.

Gory detail follows...

For instance the British Heart Foundation, taken from their web page of Terms and conditions. I expect other charities to be similar.

The British Heart Foundation name and logo, 'Take Heart', and 'Artie Beat' are trademarks of the British Heart Foundation. The names, images and logos identifying the BHF or third parties and their products and services are the proprietary marks of the BHF and/or third parties as appropriate. Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions or on the BHF website may be construed as conferring any licence or right under any trademark or patent of the BHF or any third party.
Copyright Restrictions:
Commercial use or publication of all or any item displayed is strictly prohibited without prior written authorisation from BHF. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any licence by BHF to use any item displayed.

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answered 19 Apr '12, 20:52

robbieonsea's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

thanks for the responses. I had intended to contact the major charities as they will have the details of their shops and sort out the issue of using a logo - it is mainly the small local charities that I would approach individually - one of which has already made contact - as clearly if they are difficult to locate it will impact on their potential income.

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answered 20 Apr '12, 20:10

wendy%20howe's gravatar image

wendy howe
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 19 Apr '12, 17:31

question was seen: 3,185 times

last updated: 20 Apr '12, 20:10

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