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How can I use openstreetmaps on my JSP website to show location and address? For example how can I mark up different location information in the map or get data in database?

asked 19 Apr '12, 17:10

Henryyiu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Apr '12, 08:12

sleske's gravatar image


What do you mean by "get data in database"? Do you want to download OSM data?

(20 Apr '12, 08:18) sleske

I wanna retrieve the address from the database and mark it on the map using my own marker and input some imformation,such as the address in the marker

(20 Apr '12, 15:36) Henryyiu

How can I use openstreetmaps on my JSP website to show location and address?

There are various ways to to embed an OSM map into a website, such as using a static image, embedding the OSM "slippy map", or running your own servers. See Can I use these maps on my website?

For example how can I mark up different location information in the map or get data in database?

How to put a marker on the map will depend on how you use the map :-). If you use OSM's "slippy map", see the question How do I add a marker to a map?.

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answered 20 Apr '12, 08:17

sleske's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

how can i retrieve the address from the mysql database and mark it on the map using my own marker and input some imformation,such as the address in the marker? can you show me some example code? thank you

(20 Apr '12, 16:04) Henryyiu

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question asked: 19 Apr '12, 17:10

question was seen: 6,768 times

last updated: 20 Apr '12, 16:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum