Hi everybody! I'm new to OSM / Potlatch2. After studying tutorials, I pretty customized my Potlatch2 with correct configuration (at least it appears to be so, I can connect / log-in / read data etc). My aim is to create a custom map of accessibility for disabled people with own signatures and attributes (based on munitipal data which was offered fot this aim). The symbology (pictogramms) and attributes implemented in XML files seems to work well. But after clicking on "Save changes" an error alert appears: "Error creating changeset". First, I thought that the failure origins in the change of OSM-Schema. (By the way, may I create my own attributes and write them back to OSM?) I changed everything back / installed the "original" potlatch2 and tried to complete the standard OSM with standard OSM-own attributes. And it doesn't work either - the same error alert appears again. Does anyone know what the cause for that error can be? May I use and write to OMS additional features/symbology/attributes? Thank you in advance Geo |
That's very possibly an OAuth error, I think. Have you followed the instructions on the wiki to get the 'consumer key' and 'consumer secret' correct? Thank you, yes, I followed the instructions and got the keys already several times from different servers - without success. I also changed the paths (as described in the instruction from api06.dev to www. One thing I left is the Server Name: args["serverName"] = "api06 Test On Dev" Should it be also changed? If yes, how is the main OSM server properly called?
(19 Apr '12, 12:18)
No, the server name shouldn't make any difference. If your P2 instance is publicly accessible (or you can upload it somewhere), then post the URL here and we can take a look - it's difficult to debug remotely otherwise.
(20 Apr '12, 12:46)
Richard ♦
Just to confirm - you've deployed your own copy of Potlatch2 on your own server and it's there that you're getting problems with save?