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I often visit the American SW desert. How can I contribute by "mapping" areas that are remote and not easily accessible, for everyone to consult if there?

asked 19 Apr '12, 07:17

StellinaGP's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Just map the areas to the best of your abilities. In principle, mapping a remote area is no different from mapping a city. It's just that there are less buildings :-).

There are many well-mapped remote areas in OSM, such as this area in the Auvergne (France). Just map whatever you find interesting, rivers, tracks, forests, local borders, hamlets and isolated buildings etc.

To get you started, see the Beginner's Guide.

permanent link

answered 19 Apr '12, 09:52

sleske's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

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question asked: 19 Apr '12, 07:17

question was seen: 3,668 times

last updated: 19 Apr '12, 09:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum