I downloaded a US State extract from CloudMade, imported into Nominatim, and found that house numbers are not recognized. I don't understand why I am getting completely different results than nominatim.openstreetmap.org. Would I get better results from a full planet OSM file? I kind of have cold feet with the experience so far from this small extract. Thanks |
In the US, the OSM instance of Nominatim uses TIGER address data to complement the still sparse OSM house number data. You can add TIGER data to your own Nominatim instance by following these steps:
Be warned that the import can take a very long time, especially if you are importing all of the US. Note: answer updated for TIGER 2012 data. Cheers, lonvia. Your instructions were spot on!
(24 Apr '12, 14:35)
Hello, I'm having this problem when I try to import tiger data by following the steps you mention. I've downloaded the edges from here ftp://ftp2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2011/EDGES/ The command I use is ./utils/imports.php --parse-tiger-2011 EDGES/ I get the output of this sort: File "/Nominatim/utils/tigerAddressImport.py", line 50, in <module> import ogr ImportError: No module named ogr Failed parse (/root/tiger/ftp2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2011/EDGES/tl_2011_01001_edges.zip) Any help you could give will be extremely appreciated!
(24 Aug '12, 09:04)
You need the GDAL package for python. In Ubuntu install it with
(25 Aug '12, 13:09)
I am running this command ./utils/imports.php --parse-tiger-2011 /osm/tiger_data/ but the process does not start and no output even.
(27 Aug '13, 10:37)
Looks like the changes for the 2012 and 2013 editions haven't made it into the release yet. You need the import script from the latest git version. It is safe to simply clone the latest version temporarily and run the TIGER import from there.
(27 Aug '13, 19:12)
@mezbaur I needed to put the edge zip file(s) in their own directory and pass that directory in as the argument. Hope that helps. Also you can get a specific county's EDGEs by going here http://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/geo/shapefiles2013/main. Select "All Lines" from the drop down. Then choose the state/county. Also note that this process took up a bunch of ram. I imported it and it still seems to not be working
(14 May '14, 23:38)
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My table
is empty, could that have anything to do with not finding house numbers? Where would that source data come from?Maybe we need some testcases to see where the problem is.
And perhabs you can ask http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/lonvia ... she seems to be involved in some way to Nominatim.
Thank you, I will reach out to lonvia.
On a side note, is anyone here running a copy of Nominatim? Is your table location_property_tiger empty?
I scoured through the source code of OSM and Nominatim and I don't see anything that is responsible for populating data for that table.
Here is a perfect example with missing house numbers: