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My objective is to generate transport map for offline purpose; store the map in a mobile device and use it offline. The files will be saved in the mobile device as vector map (.map files) and can be viewed using AdvancedMapViewer. To do that, I have split the Planet OSM to smaller pieces using poly files... like country & states. Using Osmosis, I tried generating transport map for smaller regions like states using the tags defined in wiki. But the final vector map when viewed has white screen [:(] and few tags in it. Without the tags mentioned in wiki, the vector map generated has all the details.

Is there an example available on how to generate transport map?

thank you in advance.


asked 18 Apr '12, 15:52

kris's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Somebody else may be able to suggest a better overall approach, but here's a couple of pointers for you:

You mention creating a .map file for AdvancedMapViewer, so I presume you're using the mapsforge and osmosis map writer plugin. Don't know much about that myself, but I guess my first suggestion would be to take this out of the picture until you know you've got the data you want. Instead work with a small patch of data (e.g. just one city, perhaps using the metro extracts download service) Try to filter by tags using osmosis, and write to an .osm file. Then use JOSM to open this file and see if it worked (Note: JOSM will struggle if you try to open a very large amount of data)

As for the actual tag filtering, are you using the --tag-filter option of Osmosis? Scroll down in that doc section to see some examples. This talks about motorway tags, so just swap in some railway / bus tags. You may find this is a bit limited or longwinded to work with e.g. if wanted to include a large number of specific tags.

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answered 19 Apr '12, 04:14

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

Hi Harry,

Im doing exactly the same as mentioned by you. I extracted a smaller area using osmosis plugin. Then I tried extracting only the transport map related tags using the --tag-filter option. I used the tags mentioned in the wiki section of OSM. But when I use those tags, Im unable to get a complete map (i.e. after converting it from OSM to .map using mapforge's mapswriter).

1) I will try the JOSM and see how it looks. 2) Are there any information available which has the tags for a default map? i.e. if I have planet OSM data for a smaller area, Im looking for bunch of tags which gives only street information.

thank you


(19 Apr '12, 05:04) kris
(19 Apr '12, 06:47) stephan75

I found the way to do. I used the Osmosis pipe commands to create 2 pipes (one for extracting highway data and another pipe for transport data for railways, tram and bus/public_transport etc..) and then merged the pipes along with the transport facilities extract (all done through osmosis). Then converted them to offline map files for different regions using mapfile-writer plugin. It works fine now.



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answered 25 Apr '12, 08:33

kris's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 18 Apr '12, 15:52

question was seen: 6,369 times

last updated: 25 Apr '12, 08:33

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