Hi I have a GPS Navigator 10 on which lots of street names are missing ? Can someone explain clearly (step by step) how I export from OpenStreetMap on my Navigator 10 (nothing mentioned in the user manual or on internet) Thanks a lot for any help !
This question is marked "community wiki".
With more detailed information in your question I can tell you that you cannot convert raw OSM data into map files for MapFactor's Navigator free, because this programm is using an own proprietary map format. So only the guys from mapFactor are able to build map files. But: Mapfactor Navigator has an option to download pre-generated map files from all over the world derived from OSM data for free. Have a look at your Start menu of Windows Vista ... there has to be something like setup or Updates in the "Navigator" folder. By the way: there is already version 11.0.37 of MapFactor Navigator free. You can also update the program via that setup option in all Windows versions. Thanks for your answer Stephan75 ! sorry when talking about Windows vista ... I had it on my computer ... my GPS is a CAR navigator ... Where can I find the version 11.0.37 please ? Can I update maps for my GPS from this version ?
(18 Apr '12, 18:20)
Please remember how you have installed the Navigator on your device the first time! I asume it is a WindowsMobile device? Download the recent installer program from Mapfactors website and install it on any windows PC. Then you have the setup utility where you can choose to install the Navigator app and the map files (which you can choose to download) on any SD card.
(18 Apr '12, 19:58)
I bought the GPS from someone ... I didn't have to install anything ... so I can't remember ... I don't know if it is a WindowsMobile device !?? I'll try to download the recent installer program ;) but what is an SD card ? (sorry this is all very new for me) Thanks for your help anyway ;)
(18 Apr '12, 20:17)
If you can upload a photo of it somewhere I bet someone would recognise it!
(18 Apr '12, 21:40)
SomeoneElse ♦
Hey SVOD, when it is better to give you a step-by-step instruction for your special device, please come over to http://forum.openstreetmap.org and open a new topic there. There we can communicate a bit better. Also try to tell us the exact name of your device and which input methods for external data are available there. No slot for a SecureDigital card? no USB plug-in? --- Do not answer here on this FAQ site please, but in forum ---
(19 Apr '12, 16:51)
Please tell us the exact name and model of your GPS device. Thus edit your question and write some more:
What brand and type is it? Otherwise we cannot help you.
According to this "Navigator FREE is a OpenStreetMaps based free turn-by-turn GPS navigation by mapFactor for Windows, Windows Mobile devices and Android devices."
It would help if you said whether you were using it on Windows, Windows Mobile devices or Android.
If you want to keep using the Mapfactor software you'll need to talk to them - their coverage page is here.
It's a Navigator Free Edition (Mapfactor) (version (V.10.1.44)) ... using Windows Vista ...