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Is there a way to tag a facility offering Wifi, whether it is free, and be able to search on this?

asked 17 Apr '12, 20:36

azlen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

According to taginfo, there are a couple of thousand uses of wifi=something. Click the tabs on that link and you can see the values used and what other tags it is used with.

To search for this, you can use something like the XAPI or Overpass - see this wiki page and the links from it. As an example, this command:


will search for nodes and ways in part of central England with "wifi" set to something.

(If you're unfamilar with "wget", it's just a command used to get a web page and stick it in a file. It's standard in Unix-like operating systems and available for others)

permanent link

answered 18 Apr '12, 00:00

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


Note that OpenCycleMap shows pubs marked with wifi, with some 'radiation' coming out of the pint, e.g.:

Normally it would be free (for customers).

OCM may show wifi on other places, cafes for example - but I'm not sure.

(18 Apr '12, 00:35) robbieonsea

The tag internet_access=wlan is also in use for places with wifi (over 4000 uses according to Taginfo). See the wiki page

(18 Apr '12, 01:38) Vclaw

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question asked: 17 Apr '12, 20:36

question was seen: 3,259 times

last updated: 18 Apr '12, 01:38

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