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I work for a bank and I wondered if any institutions have donated data? For example I have a list of all the UK ATMs and Branches that the organisation I work for operates. The list is address, post code and in some cases we have lat/long co-ords. I assume quite a bit of this data exists already inside OSM but I just wondered if there was a process for commercial entities to donate (and when I say donate I mean just that as in hand it over freely) data or does it have to be from individuals?

Sorry for the newbie question, I did a bit of a search but could not find anything similar.

asked 17 Apr '12, 17:04

aden_76's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Apr '12, 17:04

There's not really a well-defined process for that, but it happens occasionally. Sometimes there is an individual within the respective organisation willing to work on bringing that data into OSM, but more often the organisation would just say "here's a zip file on our web server, do with it what you want" (or if they dont't want that then maybe "we have this zip file and we're ready to email it to anyone who asks"), and then an interested individual from the community or a group would take this up, look at the data, convert, compare to existing data, and eventually upload it or make the processed version available for local people to inspect and upload.

There isn't a well-defined point of contact either, so you cannot just go in and say: Are you interested yes or no? It could happen that you offer your data on the mailing list and everyone just goes "meh", and a month later someone pops up and is interested to take on the job.

It sounds like your data might require quite a bit of manual work. A possible course of action would be for someone to split up the data into manageable parcels (e.g. by grouping post codes), and then local mappers could pick up a parcel for their area and use it to check existing OSM data and add ATMs where they are still missing.

Since you are talking about a UK data set, the best way to get in touch with those wo work in the UK is probably the talk-gb mailing list.

permanent link

answered 17 Apr '12, 19:16

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thank you very much for the reply. Will have a look for some guides on how to format data for OSM to make it as easy as possible. I will also find a home for this data.

(17 Apr '12, 21:38) aden_76

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question asked: 17 Apr '12, 17:04

question was seen: 4,960 times

last updated: 17 Apr '12, 21:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum