Hi I edited some street and got it broken. The problem is that it is only shown on the map and not in Potlatch (a bug?) The link is broken street. Can anyone help? |
The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by Vincent de Phily 17 Apr '12, 11:25
Nothing is broken, it just takes some time for the rendering to be updated. It is updated one tile at a time, which can cause these broken-looking streets if a street stretches along multiple tiles, but not all tiles have been updated yet. 1
Do different parts of the world / edits made by different users get updated with different strategies? Or why have I been lucky the latest days getting instant updates over and over again, while this road is still broken after a couple of days. And why is the node http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/620502188/history shown as updated while the way http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/48901236/history which includes that node is not shown as edited?
(16 Apr '12, 18:55)
I must agree with gnurk, I don't share this optimistic approach. I followed your link, to try to get the updated tile, but it didn't help. As I said I edited (also added) a street, which was shown after few minutes, but only the junction point is broke.
(16 Apr '12, 19:27)
The heuristics of deciding which tiles to update are complex. Sometimes they fail, and a tile will miss its "quick update" and only get the "after a long while update". If that's the case and you're impatient, see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_Map#Mapnik_tile_rendering for a way to manually request a tile render (I just did that for your problematic tile).
(16 Apr '12, 20:27)
Vincent de P... ♦
case closed (how?) Thank you
(16 Apr '12, 23:25)
Yonib, see previous comment for the "how". Closing question.
(17 Apr '12, 11:26)
Vincent de P... ♦
The coordinates of node 620502188 got updated a couple of days ago, but by some reason the tile has not got updated yet.
A little bit strange, since the all edits I've done the latest days have shown up on the map almost instantly.