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hello all,

I am "Brand New" at OSM and want to download a OSM Application to edit the data. I will be using tracks.

What application do you recommend me?

Thanks a lot in advance, Bárbara

asked 15 Apr '12, 19:18

Pangea%20Proyectos's gravatar image

Pangea Proye...
accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Apr '12, 22:37

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

I would recommend you to try out Potlatch2 (Online editor) first and then advance to JOSM.

In that way you will have a better understanding of the OSM-project and you will always have the Potlatch editor available for quick fixes (where ever you are).

You can read this for pros and cons.

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answered 15 Apr '12, 20:16

TheOddOne2's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

thanks a lot, as I am a GIS Consultant I think I will download both of your suggestions


(15 Apr '12, 21:13) Pangea Proye...

You cannot download Potlach so don't look for a way of doing so. JOSM must be downloaded and of the two editors it is the better one.

However JOSM does require a higher leaning curve and once you have learnt it, you will never use Potlach again. If you have any difficulties, however minor, ask for advice here or go to a local OSM group. The OSM community is extremely responsive.

If you don't want to become a ardent OSM contributor then POTLACH allows you to add and change POIs (Points of Interest) very easily with almost no skills at all.

(16 Apr '12, 11:44) dcp

"However JOSM does require a higher leaning curve and once you have learnt it, you will never use Potlach again"

Um, that's clearly not true. Plenty of people use both.

(16 Apr '12, 13:40) Richard ♦

Hello Richard, I find your remark very interesting. What advantage does Potlach then have over JOSM? I would like to know because I may be missing something!

(17 Apr '12, 06:34) dcp

Its main advantage is that it's simpler and more direct. Click 'edit'; alter; save. That's it.

If you like all the features that JOSM offers, use it. It's a great tool, but it's not the only way to do everything. For some people, including myself, a UI that looks like the Starship Enterprise control deck is overkill for the simple task of editing a map.

On a feature-by-feature comparison, JOSM will always get more ticks, especially kitted out with plugins. But there are also features that P2 has and JOSM doesn't.

(17 Apr '12, 16:07) Richard ♦

I'm a big fan of JOSM myself.

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answered 16 Apr '12, 01:11

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 15 Apr '12, 19:18

question was seen: 5,614 times

last updated: 17 Apr '12, 16:57

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