I just found OpenStreetMap. Just fantastically useful. I am looking at a map of the Washington, DC, area and find it littered with the letter "P"; so many that I can't dope out what is stands for. It's not parks or parking. Is it for Pending changes?? Many thanks. Bob |
I'm pretty sure they are indeed parking lots. (I don't know what exact area you were looking at) If you take a look here you can see that all the P:s are representing some sort of parking. Though I doubt all of them are public available, so if you specify them with their availability they won't be as prominent as they are now. Thanks very much for clearing that up.
(15 Apr '12, 19:24)
SpeedThree - you should accept the answer (the tick) not just adding another comment - thanks.
(16 Apr '12, 23:30)