I just found OpenStreetMap. Just fantastically useful. I am looking at a map of the Washington, DC, area and find it littered with the letter "P"; so many that I can't dope out what is stands for. It's not parks or parking. Is it for Pending changes?? Many thanks. Bob asked 15 Apr '12, 15:30 SpeedThree |
I'm pretty sure they are indeed parking lots. (I don't know what exact area you were looking at) If you take a look here you can see that all the P:s are representing some sort of parking. Though I doubt all of them are public available, so if you specify them with their availability they won't be as prominent as they are now. answered 15 Apr '12, 16:02 TheOddOne2 Thanks very much for clearing that up.
(15 Apr '12, 19:24)
SpeedThree - you should accept the answer (the tick) not just adding another comment - thanks.
(16 Apr '12, 23:30)