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Ich möchte bloß einn paar Straßennamen ändern. Wie geht das?


I just want to change some street names. How can I do this?

asked 13 Apr '12, 20:34

Blablablup's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Apr '12, 21:07

sleske's gravatar image


Short answer:

There are many ways to edit the map data. See the Beginner's Guide for an introduction, particularly chapter 1.3 (Editing maps).

Longer answer:

The easiest way to get started is to use the online editor (Potlatch):

  • Go to
  • click "Edit"
  • create an account and log in
  • navigate to the street whose name you want to change, and click it (it should become highlighted)
  • in the detail pane on the left, change the name
  • click "Save" (top), enter a comment like "corrected name of Orchard Road"

Things to note:

  • Longer streets may consist of several segments (called "ways" in OSM). Each way has a separate name; if all ways are part of one street, all these names must be identical. In that case, you will have to click and edit all the ways/segments individually, or you must use Ctrl-click to select all the ways to edit them in one go (see comment below for details).
  • If, on the other hand, a part of one way has a different street name than the rest, you will have to split this way. See the question Changing the status of a separate section of a road.
permanent link

answered 13 Apr '12, 21:16

sleske's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

edited 17 Apr '12, 08:05


not quite true. You can edit several ways at the same time in Potlatch, this is how:

select one way, then select another one with the ctrl (strg in german) - key pressed and mouse click. Repeat this as much as you need.

once more than one way is selected, you automatically get into the advanced mode. You can there add or change one tag, and this is then applied to all the selected ways. The other tags remain unchanged.

You can see, if all roads have the same tags: e.g. maxspeed = <different> - then they are not identical concerning this tag.

(14 Apr '12, 06:52) moszkva ter

Thanks for your Answers, now I found it.

(14 Apr '12, 10:53) Blablablup

moszkva ter: Interesting, didn't know about this. Thanks for pointing it out; I edited my answer.

(17 Apr '12, 08:04) sleske

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question asked: 13 Apr '12, 20:34

question was seen: 3,865 times

last updated: 17 Apr '12, 08:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum