State work for a company (ICE) in Costa Rica and want to make a web application that uses OSM maps to take full control of the entire fleet of the company, the project is large in scale, which implies that the update in Real-time fleet is of great importance, my query is who I can contact to efficiently use their service. Trabajo para una empresa Estatal(ICE) de Costa Rica y deseamos realizar una aplicacion web que utilice los mapas de OSM para tener el control total de toda la flotilla de la empresa, el proyecto es de gran escala, lo que implica que la actualizacion en tiempo real de la flotilla es de gran importancia, mi consulta es con quien puedo contactarme para utilizar de manera eficiente su servicio. |
There is a list of companies offering commercial OSM services on the wiki. 1
Also, if your fleet management really is big (how many vehicles ?), it'd be relatively little extra effort to serve the map yourself.
(12 Apr '12, 15:20)
Vincent de P... ♦