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I have found out that a shooting range should be tagged with sport=shooting. So far, so good.

But the wiki page about Key:sport states that "Since this is a non-physical tag it should be combined with one of these (physical) tags…" - and I do agree. But which physical tags should I typically use?

I've thought about leisure=pitch, but I don't feel convinced that the English word "pitch" is used for shooting ranges.

asked 11 Apr '12, 20:15

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Presumably building=yes for where the actual firing occurs as there is often some shelter of some sort.

If the target range is outside probably on grass, so tag those areas like landuse=grass, access=no (so yeah shoot me [pun intended] if you prefer landcover=*...) for those areas.

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answered 11 Apr '12, 22:28

robbieonsea's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Also, military=danger_area sounds like an interesting tag for an open-air shooting range.

(12 Apr '12, 07:48) moszkva ter

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question asked: 11 Apr '12, 20:15

question was seen: 5,967 times

last updated: 12 Apr '12, 07:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum