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bonjour je n'arrive pas à indiquer qu'une rue est à sens unique dans une partie, et dans un autre sens unique dans l'autre partie je m'explique : une rue (à sens unique) arrive à la perpendiculaire d'une seconde. On peut tourner à droite dans cette seconde rue à sens unique, mais on peut tourner à gauche et cette partie est AUSSI à sens unique (donc on part dans 2 sens opposés à partir de la moitié de cette seconde rue) lorsque je clique sur cette seconde rue, je ne sais pas comment faire pour "séparer en deux" la rue qui se sélectionne dans la totalité merci

asked 11 Apr '12, 13:27

MrMustard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Apr '12, 15:58

NicolasDumoulin's gravatar image


Google Translate nous donne:

'hello I can not seem to indicate that a street is one way in one part, and in another way in another part I'll explain: a street (one way) arrives at a perpendicular second. We can turn right in this second way street, but you can turn left and this is ALSO part-way (so we share in two opposite directions from the second half of this street) when I click on this second street, I do not know how to "split into two" street which selects all thank you'

(11 Apr '12, 14:21) SomeoneElse ♦
(11 Apr '12, 15:10) sleske

Français (édité) :

Sépare la rue en deux en selectionant le point et en appuyant sur p (JOSM) ou x (Potlach) ou en utilisant le menu/bouton correspondant. Puis inverse le sens d'une des deux rues en appuyant sur r (JOSM) ou v (Potlach). Pour finir, ajoute le tag oneway=yes comme d'habitude.

English (original) :

What you need to do is to split the way into two ways. To do this: - if you use Potlatch, there's a button for that (the shortcut was X once; I haven't used Potlatch for a long time); - if you use JOSM, select the node at which you wish to split the way AND the way, then split it with P.

When you are done splitting, just change the direction of one of the parts and tag them oneway=yes.

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answered 11 Apr '12, 14:58

Simone%20Saviolo's gravatar image

Simone Saviolo
accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Apr '12, 16:06

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦

thanks for your answer. My english may be as good as your french ;-) The "X" key doesn't work. I suppose that it's the "cisor" icon, and in my map, this icon is grey, unavailable I've search in the help module and I found "select the way and click on 'Maj+Delete'" --> it works I've created a new way (it's hard to finish the way, I always add a point grrr) ok I've tried to make the second part of the street... and I can't. It's always add to the wrong street but I'm a believer !! It will be ok !!

(11 Apr '12, 16:08) MrMustard

ok to finish the creation of a street : "RETURN" I'm not sure if I made it right

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answered 11 Apr '12, 16:19

MrMustard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Post the link, I will take a look.

(11 Apr '12, 16:29) Simone Saviolo

Nearly - but you need to make sure that streets join to each other.

This part isn't joined to Victor Hugo or the Boulevarde de la Republique, and this part isn't joined to Victor Hugo but is joined to Woodrow Wilson.

In both cases I'd expect both to also join the squares at each end. To move a node at the end of a way click on it, press delete, then move it over the top of the end node of the way to join it to (which will turn blue) and then click and press return to complete the move.

(11 Apr '12, 16:38) SomeoneElse ♦

@SomeoneElse> is that you who made the correction with the points? how did you do that?

(11 Apr '12, 17:12) MrMustard

mmmh you've already answered... but I don't understand, sorry :-(

(11 Apr '12, 17:13) MrMustard

Not me - I've not changed anything! I do notice that the join at the east end something's a bit odd, though:

east end at Woodrow

It may have been like that before you started editing, of course.

(11 Apr '12, 17:17) SomeoneElse ♦

yes, i was sure about it : streets waren't join but I can't make it was i've tried to join the 2 parts of "Bd Jean Jaures" le soft made one street with one direction pfff and the corner of "Bd wilson" and "Jean Jaures" wasn't made by me. I 've found it like that. I've tried to correct it but, again, I've failed :-(

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answered 11 Apr '12, 17:05

MrMustard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I've made the correction on the "Esplanade du 8 mai 1945" is that correct?

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answered 11 Apr '12, 17:09

MrMustard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Looking at the history I think that you just moved a couple of nodes in "Esplanade du 8 mai 1945"?

I'll tidy the western end and take "before" and "after" pictures so that you can see the difference.

(11 Apr '12, 17:25) SomeoneElse ♦

OK, before the west end looked like this:

alt text

I clicked on the left-hand end, deleted the end node, then clicked on the top-right of the square to join it there and then the top-left of the square to join it there as well. The end result looks like this:

alt text

In the editor now if you click on the western part of "Boulevard Jean Jaures" the nodes that join other ways show as red circles outlined in black.

Do you want to have a go at the middle now? The eastern end of the western part of "Boulevard Jean Jaures" doesn't join any other road - you can see here that the red circle isn't outlined in black:

alt text

(11 Apr '12, 17:34) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 11 Apr '12, 13:27

question was seen: 6,416 times

last updated: 11 Apr '12, 17:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum