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I'm noticing some shopping parking lots having every individual aisle mapped as an individual one-way (when applicable) service road. Is this right - should I be marking parking lots at all... let alone every aisle as a way? (A parking lot doesn't count as a dozen parallel service roads if you ask me, but it that's the standard way to do it in OSM then OK.)

asked 08 Apr '12, 20:51

gopanthers's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Add as much detail as you feel you want to. I don't add parking aisles, it seems over the top to me, but others disagree. If you can draw the outline of a parking lot and the entrance with, say, a service road that is helpful. Add what you want to and don't feel bad if choose not to.

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answered 08 Apr '12, 21:50

ChrisH's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

It's your time and effort that goes into making the map, so the level of detail is up to you. As long as you use correct tagging (the service=parking_aisle tag exists specifically for this purpose), applications can decide whether and how to present additional information like that.

I tend to represent parking areas at least with an area outline and a central service road for access, and occasionally also add parking aisles. That being said, there are clearly diminishing returns for detailed mapping as the necessary effort increases and the use cases for the data become more exotic. Depending on your personal priorities you might consider mapping other facts more worthwhile. There's nothing wrong with leaving some work to other mappers with a different set of interests.

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answered 08 Apr '12, 23:02

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

In the beginning I felt just like that, I never added parking aisles.

But nowdays I've come to realize what the OSM-data could be used for in the future (and not only regarding parking lots). You can also add each individual parking lot, so together with that you could for instance route someone to a free parking lot (assuming a neat system behind ofcourse).

But as the other answers say, map what you care about, and keep up the fun!

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answered 08 Apr '12, 23:35

TheOddOne2's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

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question asked: 08 Apr '12, 20:51

question was seen: 5,953 times

last updated: 08 Apr '12, 23:35

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