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I have a very old (but precise and trustworthy) map that shows some underground water tunnels. Should I add them to OSM and if yes - which tags to use?

Just for the test I tried waterway=river; covered=yes. It shows up in osmarender as regular waterway (blue line). That may lead to some confusions, because it looks like the normal (above underground) rivers.

asked 14 Oct '10, 13:33

ivanatora's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

edited 14 Oct '10, 13:34

I have similar tunnel=culvert will it appear as stream on map

(08 Jun '12, 08:23) andy mackey

If you have a reliable datasource that is compatible with OSMs license, then yes you can / should add the information. If a renderer gets it wrong the renderer needs to improved.

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answered 14 Oct '10, 13:55

petschge's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

How can I communicate with osmarender developers? Is there some sort of forum or mailing list or something else?

(14 Oct '10, 14:31) ivanatora

You can add a a ticket at Trac, choose the component osmarender: Try searching first, to see if anything similar has been reported previously. And include a link to a location where the problem is visible.

(14 Oct '10, 15:47) Vclaw

How about something like waterway=river, tunnel=yes, layer=-1 ?

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answered 14 Oct '10, 15:14

GrahamS's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

I have almost the same issue with a river that was routed through a tunnel when 150 years ago both the main road and railway were to be put through a narrow gorge. There simply wasn't any place for the river, so they built a tunnel and redirected the river through it. In OSM renderer it shows as such (white area with blue outline), but I'm not sure if that look is also ok for covered rivers in residential areas...

(19 Oct '10, 16:17) Alexander Ro...

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question asked: 14 Oct '10, 13:33

question was seen: 8,360 times

last updated: 08 Jun '12, 08:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum