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Taking my chances of sounding like a vain noob (which I probably am ;-) ), I cannot help but wonder why some of my edits do not seem to show up in the map even months after the original edit?

Here is an example:

What am I doing wrong?

asked 06 Apr '12, 11:08

MarkTwain's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks for your feedback, Chris.

The whole changeset looks like a mistake, probably just someone doodling around. Needless to say, I have not received any reply to my enquiry to "kirasternchen", the party involved. As my time is rather limited, how can I find/contact other mappers working on the same region? Maybe one of them is able to help? "Reverts" seem to be beyond my abilities for now (I just use Potlatch).

(07 Apr '12, 23:54) MarkTwain

Sorry, it's me again.

"kirasternchen" has not replied to my messages and I am not able to revert the changes that person did (there does not seem to be such an option in Potlatch). On top of that I still have no clue how to find fellow OSM mappers around the region in question who might be able to help.

Thus, let me appeal to any of you with the ability to do reverts to please revert the changeset

Thank you so much for your help.

(10 Apr '12, 21:58) MarkTwain

Maybe you should allow some more time for "Kirasternchen" to answer. Some of us don't log in to OSM that often, and sometimes it takes a couple of weeks for us to answer.

Meanwhile, try JOSM to edit your maps. It's worth it.

(11 Apr '12, 18:05) samel

Checking each of the nodes in turn, a number of them have been deleted since then. Of those that remain, such as there are no tags on the node which will render in any of the renderings available at though they may render on renders done elsewhere.

permanent link

answered 06 Apr '12, 11:24

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

This help forum is not the ideal place to ask such questions, as they are of a transient nature. In this forum we attempt to collect questions and answers that form a body of documentation; the answer to this very concrete question is probably not useful to many people in the future. Placing the question on a mailing list or on IRC would have been more appropriate!

In your specific case, most of your edits seem to have been deleted by user "kirasternchen" and therefore nothing appears on the map.

permanent link

answered 06 Apr '12, 11:24

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


@Frederik: I apologize for my mistake, but I had suspected my inquiry to be about a more general problem than just another user deleting my nodes. Sorry, as mentioned before, I consider myself a noob.

@all: I cannot help but wonder what to do about this. After all, the nodes I added are all still valid (actually I had logged on to make changes to four classrooms that were relocated yesterday). Anyway, it is hard to follow the logic in removing a "public restroom" node, for instance. ;-)

(06 Apr '12, 18:10) MarkTwain

Ask the guy who deleted the data. Look at the changeset listed above, click on a node that has been deleted and you will see the user who deleted it. If you click on his link you can send him a message.

If you think his removals are vandalism they can be reverted, but the sooner you act the better, reverting edits is much harder if the data has been subsequently edited. Try IRC or a mailing list for individual help. (see and )

(07 Apr '12, 21:36) ChrisH

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question asked: 06 Apr '12, 11:08

question was seen: 4,613 times

last updated: 11 Apr '12, 18:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum