Many of the hyphenated road names I am mapping around have a space before and after the hyphen on OSM. This is not how they appear elsewhere (actual road signs, street directories). Do I correct this or is there a formatting reason for it? E.g. "Frankston - Flinders road" but in actuality it is "Frankston-Flinders road". |
No, there is no special reason. The exact formatting of a name may not always be clear (there may be different local usages), but if in doubt, the rule usually is to spell and format the name like it is written on the official street signs. The only exception is that abbreviations should be expanded (e.g. "Main Rd" -> "Main Road"). |
I tend to not leave spaces around the hyphen as it's not usually signed that way. Example: Beaverton-Tigard Freeway, California-The Dalles Highway, Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway, etc. |