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Is it me, or is making junctions not quite as obvious as the Potlatch help makes out? I place the end node of a new way over the existing way and position as accurately as possible and shift click and sometimes it works, but routes and nodes seem to turn blue almost at random. I'd really welcome a clear step by step explanation of how to join things up nicely! I have found that I can always make the juctions in the end, but I'm still not exactly sure how I've done it!

asked 13 Oct '10, 17:32

yapmaul's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Shift-clicking is for adding a new node to an existing way, or for starting a new way from an existing node.

If you are just ending a way at a junction with another way, then just hover over the way you are joining onto until you see its nodes turn blue, then click once to add the intersection node. No shift required. If that is the end of your new way (e.g. a T-junction) then either click again or press Return to finish the way.

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answered 13 Oct '10, 18:24

GrahamS's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

edited 13 Oct '10, 18:26

Thanks for that. It works fine if I'm simply drawing a line. Perhaps I should explain that I've been importing GPX tracks, tagging them and joining them up to existing roads. When I drag the end node of the GPX track, now tagged as a road of whatever kind, and hover over the existing road, nothing happens. It doesn't operated in the least like drawing a line. Is the procedure different in this case? Thanks for the help.

(13 Oct '10, 19:24) yapmaul

Simply dragging a node will never make a junction. You need to be actually drawing one to make a junction.

If you find yourself in the situation where you want to join the end of an existing way, just select the end node, and press Delete (or Backspace). This will delete the existing end-node and put you in drawing mode to add a new one.

(13 Oct '10, 22:16) Richard ♦

I'm adding here a new functionality in P2 and commented by RichardF:

Move a node of one way so it is exactly over the other way.

Make sure the node is selected. (Make sure you are not in drawing mode with the 'elastic band'.)

Press J.

(If that's not working, could you clarify if you're using a non-QWERTY keyboard layout? It might be possible that the keypress is mapped somewhere else.)

(23 Aug '12, 09:47) Pieren

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question asked: 13 Oct '10, 17:32

question was seen: 7,077 times

last updated: 23 Aug '12, 09:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum