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Lately i've been trying to play around with getting OSM data extracts and TileMill trying to create my own custom map styles, however I am completely puzzled by the whole database/conversion/import process involved. Can someone please tell me in "for dummies" terms the simplest way of getting usable, customisable OSM data into TileMill using Windows only? Would be greatly appreciated.

asked 04 Apr '12, 05:01

lakeyboy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The answer may depend on the size of your import. Do you plan to work on a locality, suburb, village, town, city, county, country, continent, planet ?

(04 Apr '12, 09:18) Pieren

Well I was planning on testing it with a city, which I found a separate OSM data file for, which is about a 75x75km area.

(09 Apr '12, 12:15) lakeyboy

I think the easiest way is to use Shapefiles. There are pre-exported at cloudemade and geofabrik for example. And you find a lot more Shapefiles on the web. Also you can later export your own shapefiles from osm, as described in the linked wiki article. Have fun with tilemill :)

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answered 09 Apr '12, 17:18

norrix's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can TileMill really directly import OSM or PBF files? Because your answer does not gives an answer how to bring the OSM into TileMill.

(07 May '12, 19:14) mobrob

@mobrob: No, Tilemill is not able to load OSM or PBF files directly.

You have to load the raw OSM data in a suitable database and tell Tilemill to use that source, or convert the OSM data to shapefiles.

Also see ... there are some howto docs that explain in more detail.

(07 May '12, 21:29) stephan75

@mobrob: also check the mentioned ressources from cloudmade and geofabrik. they convert osm data to shapefiles.

(15 May '12, 19:41) norrix

You find a detailed description about Map rendering with TileMill on Windows in the Wiki of TopoMapCreator. Unfortunately the procedure is long, but the important thing: It works on Windows (Win 7 x64).

It follows the classical procedure:

  • Step A: Downloading and installing required software (Mainly a Postgresql/PostGis database)
  • Step B: Downloading and importing OSM data to the database
  • Step C: Downloading and processing land polygons
  • Step D: Creating a TileMill project
  • Step E: Styling and exporting the map with TileMill

More on the Wiki of TopoMapCreator.

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answered 02 Oct '14, 20:55

kaki007's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Oct '14, 20:57

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question asked: 04 Apr '12, 05:01

question was seen: 27,184 times

last updated: 02 Oct '14, 20:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum