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What tables contain this data?

asked 03 Apr '12, 22:48

Justin%20Tanner's gravatar image

Justin Tanner
accept rate: 0%

planet.osm does contain the whole osm-database which means that also the metro stations are included. However, the metro stations - nor any other particular feature - are not stored in a particular table.

In order to obtain such a list, you need to know how metro stations are tagged and then extract the accordingly tagged objects from the database. You may do so by downloading the planet.osm and using e.g. osmfilter to filter out the metro stations. Another and possibly easier way might be to use the overpass-api to querry the database.

Most metro stations are possibly tagged as railway=station or railway=subway_entrance (only the entrance) or as public_transport=stop_area or public_transport=station. For most of those taggings you will get the metro station AND other public transport stations, so you will have to evaluate the context, e.g. only those on/near railway=subway. And keep in mind that you want to query nodes, ways and relation.

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answered 04 Apr '12, 00:16

FischersFritz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You can have a look at the MapFeatures page in the OpenStreetMap wiki and search through the page to find what your're looking for. If Metro is something underground for you the tags mentioned by FischersFritz are probably the ones you're looking for. There's also railway=tram_stop ...

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answered 04 Apr '12, 10:59

frabron's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 03 Apr '12, 22:48

question was seen: 4,495 times

last updated: 04 Apr '12, 10:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum