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I am about to tag a building in a university campus, of which the first level is a public bathroom, and the remaining levels (2nd level to 5th level) consitute a dormitory. The dormitory and public bathroom have their own entrance respectively, with no direct access between the two amenity, which means that if someone in the dormitory wants to take a shower, he/she must leave the building first, walk to the other side of the building, and then enter the public bathroom. Moreover, only portions of the building have 5 levels -- there exist parts with only one level that used by the public bathroom. Is it okay to tag the two amenity respectively with building=* or building:part=yes, or just tag a building with no name, and then tag the two entrances respectively?

asked 30 Mar '12, 17:43

zzcolin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Okay, we have two separate issues here. It sounds to me like the building as a whole would be tagged building=dormitory with the name of the building (assuming it has only one)

1) Separate entrances can be tagged with building=entrance and entrance= (the wiki encourages you to use entrance alone, but I prefer to have building=entrance too). Notes or amenity nodes can be used to indicate which is which. 2) If you want to indicate the structural "shape" of the building, now, it gets more complicated. The way I understand the building:part= documentation (which seems to me like ), these are added "on top" of the building= tag and receive the descriptive tags (e.g. height and building:levels), with building:parts= added to the same way as the main building=dormitory to tell whether the spli is horizontal or vertical.

If you do use building=part, then each separate part can get amenity tags.

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answered 31 Mar '12, 17:48

Circeus's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

edited 31 Mar '12, 17:53

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question asked: 30 Mar '12, 17:43

question was seen: 5,829 times

last updated: 31 Mar '12, 17:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum