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can i do no-go areas of road, part of a road that drivers can't go in or park in like if one side of road drivers can't drive on or go in something like a one way street.

asked 30 Mar '12, 11:51

darrenrobert's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Check the access tags on this wiki page :

For instance, if the road is forbidden for cars only, add motorcar=no.
If it is a no-go for all motorized vehicles, use motor_vehicle=no.
If the street is one way, add the tag oneway=yes (following carefully the direction of the OSM way)
There is no clear consensus about roads where parking is not allowed but you can adopt this proposal.

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answered 30 Mar '12, 13:25

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


please be aware that these restrictions are legal access-restrictions, they are NOT for physical restrictions (i.e. the road is not wide enough, or it has too big damages) and they are also not for recommendations (you could go there, but you shouldn't for whatever reason)

(30 Mar '12, 14:41) dieterdreist

If I understand your question correct (no-go-areas), what you are after is somehow subjective mapping (e.g.: "do not go there, you might be robbed" or something similar). Information like this is usually not considered to be within the scope of Openstreetmap. OSM tries to collect verifiable, objective facts.

The information about no-go-areas could be stored in a separate database and OSM could be used as a base map to display the areas.

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answered 30 Mar '12, 14:46

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

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question asked: 30 Mar '12, 11:51

question was seen: 4,478 times

last updated: 30 Mar '12, 14:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum