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I understood that the data are not really deleted but just marked as non-odbl in the db (at least for a while). A significant part of the removed data are just because contributors did not reply to license change request (undecided).

  1. Will it be possible for undecided to accept the Odbl/CT license after April 1st ? (let say, they open their old mailbox too late)

  2. Will it be possible to retrieve cc-by-sa data after this date from the API ? Or from another API ?

asked 30 Mar '12, 11:34

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

It will be possible for such users to agree to the Contributior Terms after the license change is through. This will (likely) not automatically re-animate their data though; data marked as incompatible during the license change will remain inaccessible even if the user changes their mind.

It is unlikely that the API will have a means of accessing CC-BY-SA data after the license change (but you are right, the data will, at least initially, still be in the database).

However, anyone is free to download a full history planet file from and run a read-only CC-BY-SA API on that. Or you could access CC-BY-SA data from

permanent link

answered 30 Mar '12, 11:43

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

I understand that it cannot be restored automatically (e.g. conflicting with remapping) but it would be nice if someone could provide a service/api retrieving last cc-by-sa data per contributor/bbox because downloading and parsing a multi-GB planet file just to retrieve 20 or 100 ways will not be realistic for most of our contributors.

(30 Mar '12, 12:02) Pieren

I think a great tool to have would be a database comparator, like the one that compares UK's Ordinance Survey with osm, but comparing fosm with osm instead. The UK tool is great to find info from one db missing in the other db.

Initially it'd help osm find the lost CC data to remap, but eventually it'd become a more generic tool for both projects to cross-polinate each other (by remapping of couse, not by direct copying).

Wishful thinking of course (as usual, I'm good at filling other people's todos but not my own).

(30 Mar '12, 13:06) Vincent de P... ♦

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question asked: 30 Mar '12, 11:34

question was seen: 3,036 times

last updated: 30 Mar '12, 13:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum