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Hello OSMlers

For a project, we have created the map of Canton of Zurich, including the lakes.

However, it seems as if the lake of Zurich (and all other larger lakes in Switzerland) are not part of the regular osm files that I got on cloudemade for instance.

Is there a way to import only lakes into my database with the planet file at hand? What would be the command line tool to use?

Many thanks for your help!


asked 30 Mar '12, 00:12

matthias_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hurray, I managed to do it. Here is how:

permanent link

answered 30 Mar '12, 03:34

matthias_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You could also check another provider of planet extracts like Geofabrik or build your own extract of the planet file. There is no reason for big lakes to dissappear in planet extracts (or yes, one could be if the lake is near or outside the planet extraction boundaries)

(30 Mar '12, 08:07) Pieren

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question asked: 30 Mar '12, 00:12

question was seen: 4,529 times

last updated: 30 Mar '12, 08:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum