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Hi. I have created a shapefile (.shp) by myself in GIS software. Data is my and I didn't take it from anybody else. This file contains a few bildings in form of closed lines ( I can also make polygons from them ). Im importing this file into Potlatch, and I can see my buildings. Great. So Im catching one of the buildings, giving the name to it, changing the building type and ... Save button is not clickable. OSM didn't acknowledged any changes. The building is not there. Ok. Im trying in different way. Catching the building, clicking Create parallel way button, and making a new shape around the building. I can see new building shape around my own. Im giving it a name, and .. nothing. This shape is not recorded as a change in OSM. After I restart my browser .. changes are disappearing. The only way to put the shapes of my buildings is to manually recreate the paths on them and then I can normally save. WTF? Is it some kind of protection against people who might irresponsibly import too much data? Or am i doing something wrong? Maybe I didt'n check some checkbox? Please help. I put a lot of effort to make digitize these building in GIS soft, and I dont want to create them again! It would be possible if the coursor will snap to my existing buiding shapes, but its not snapping:(

asked 29 Mar '12, 17:50

elmuSSo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Mar '12, 14:54

dieterdreist's gravatar image


Shapefiles are loaded into a background layer. It sounds like you are editing the data while it's still in the background layer.

You need to "pull through" the data from the background (shapefile) layer, to the main editable layer. To do this, simply alt-click the object. Once you've done that, you'll be able to save it.

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answered 31 Mar '12, 13:07

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

You are my hero. Cheers!

(31 Mar '12, 14:25) elmuSSo

Potlatch isn't really meant for what you're trying to accomplish. The best approach is to convert the Shapefile to an OSM file using a tool like ogr2osm, conflate the results with buildings that already exist in the OSM database using JOSM, then upload. Be sure and read the import guidelines, and if you have more than a handful of buildings first discuss it with the imports@ mailing list. If you'd like help with this process, I'd be glad to assist as I've done this process several times and am aware of the pitfalls, best practices, etc. Try putting your Shapefile online using Dropbox or a similar tool, so then others like myself can take a look and help you out.

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answered 30 Mar '12, 15:43

JoshD's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

There are 41 structures. I'm guessing you didn't use Bing imagery for this, since Bing isn't of sufficient resolution. Your structures are offset from Bing by about 7 meters; do you know if the imagery you used has better spatial accuracy then Bing? The existing roads are offset from Bing by 3-7 meters as well. Also from what I can tell there aren't really any attributes like height, building type, etc. Since the number isn't too great, once I understand the offset issue, I can add them for you easily.

(31 Mar '12, 12:15) JoshD

Thanks, but now with Richard's help I can do that easily. And yes, BING maps are terrible in accuracy:)

(31 Mar '12, 14:29) elmuSSo

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question asked: 29 Mar '12, 17:50

question was seen: 8,460 times

last updated: 31 Mar '12, 14:29

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