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I hesitated posting this question, even after reading the wiki and help pages and because this question is not about tagging, how and who are the changes to the website interface made? I'm referring to the layer drop down menu I've only just noticed. I'm not keen on it. I'll explain. When I contribute or about to contribute I always check different layers to get a feel for the area, then edit either on Potlatch2 or JOSM. For that I used to click on the + and have the menu open and cycle through the layers. Now the menu is a drop down and rolls back after changing layer. I am nitpicking but it's annoying.

Is there a chance of rolling the change back or contributing to OSM but from another website which would have a different interface?

asked 28 Mar '12, 23:30

Meersbrook's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Agree with you. Annoying.

(29 Mar '12, 15:50) Pieren

You can discuss changes on the dev mailing-list and on IRC (#osm-dev), or add a ticket in trac (component=website).

That said, for me (webkit) the dropdown doesn't fold up until I move the map away from it. I find it much better than the old '+' :)

permanent link

answered 29 Mar '12, 00:50

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

It's the fact that it rolls up when I move the cursor away that annoys me. Also the band is much larger than the + and covers a significantly larger portion of the map. Thanks for the links though, I'll get onto it.

(29 Mar '12, 16:38) Meersbrook

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question asked: 28 Mar '12, 23:30

question was seen: 3,753 times

last updated: 29 Mar '12, 16:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum