In my area there is an Irrigation Canal with an aqueduct section, how should I map it? I've read that I should use the pipeline tag, and I did it that way. I used the following: man_made=pipeline, location=overground, type=water. This, as I expected, is not rendered in mapnik. Furthermore, behing a tall structure made of concrete, with water flowing openly without any kind of pipe I found it anoying, because in my mind that is an aqueduct. Shoul I maintain those tags and add the cannal tag? Or should I use the "historic=aqueduct" tag? |
Without knowing exactly how it looks like from what you write waterway=canal+bridge=*(probably "beam" or just "yes") seems like a good option. If there is no pipe, there is no reason to tag it as pipeline. For historic=aqueduct it depends on the time this was built, but is not likely your case. 1
Also, instead of "location=overground" you should use "layer=1" (and if you wish "height=*").
(27 Mar '12, 22:53)
Vincent de P... ♦
And you can use "bridge=aqueduct" as suggested on the wiki:
(28 Mar '12, 12:29)
Thanks everybody. Used waterway=canal;bridge=aqueduct;layer=1; and width=1
(28 Mar '12, 19:19)