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If I agree to the licensing terms and import my GPS traces into OpenStreetMap, then am I still free to use those same traces and surveys to contribute to other non-OSM mapping projects (e.g. Waze)?

asked 12 Oct '10, 13:13

GrahamS's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

Under the existing CC-BY-SA setup, you publish your work under CC-BY-SA by uploading it to OSM, and you retain the right to publish it in any other way you see fit (provided that your work is not a derivative of OSM itself).

Under the proposed new Contributor Terms, you grant OSM(F) a non-exclusive license to publish your data under one of several licenses; again, because this is non-exclusive, you retain the right to publish your data in any other way.

If you do elect to publish your data on another platform with a different license - for example, if you publish your data through Waze or Google Map Maker now, or if after the propsed license change you publish your data through a CC-BY-SA fork in addition to publishing it through OSM proper, it might be helpful to use the changeset comment function or similar comment option of the platform in question to explain what you are doing. Otherwise, on seeing your data in, say, Google Map Maker as well as in OSM, people might assume that it has been illegally copied, which would of course not be the case.

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answered 12 Oct '10, 15:07

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

If you are only using your own GPX tracks and your own observations, sure.

However if you use knowledge gained from looking at the data in OSM you have to comply with OSMs licence (which is currently CC-BY-SA).

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answered 12 Oct '10, 13:18

petschge's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 12 Oct '10, 13:13

question was seen: 6,932 times

last updated: 12 Oct '10, 15:36

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