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Hi there!

Is there a way to make clickable tiles? I understand how the Markers work, but what I would like to see is something like an html imagemap, stored in tiles.

For example, for transport map, associate to each bus stop the link to the schedule page.

Is that possible?


asked 23 Mar '12, 14:26

berguina's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Dec '13, 23:09

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

The easiest solution is to use OpenLayers vectorial features. You can add a marker (even transparent) on each bus stop node, and associated an event to the click on this marker.

So, yes, that is possible :-)

For example, you can try and see the code of this (so beautifull) map. Each marker is clickable and will display additionnal informations.

Feel free to precise what do you want.

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answered 26 Mar '12, 13:13

NicolasDumoulin's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 27 Mar '12, 09:35

As far as I know you cannot store additional information in tile files, because that are just bitmap graphics.

You need an additional source of information when you want to click an object on a tile based map and display information thet is associated with that object.

Have a look for example at the OSM Inspector by ... zoom to a smaller area and choose one of the inspector's layers. There you can click on any marked object, and some data is displayed on the right side of the map.

Does that come near your aim? If yes, ask the developers there how they did their work to display that.

Or have a look at openstreetbrowser .. there you can also click map objects.

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answered 25 Mar '12, 16:32

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 25 Mar '12, 16:33

There was a renderer for Mapnik 2.0, called Metawriter that would give you the positions of a all labels and POIs enabling you to have a clickable map (see demo here). Remember that clickable vector features on the map doesn't have to be visible, you can let the image map tiles be the visual information, and handle the interaction with vector information.

So sorry can't give you a solution that seems viable at the moment, but mapnik 2.0 isn't that old so I hope you have the time to see if metawriter is an option to you..

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answered 10 Dec '13, 15:01

emj's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 10 Dec '13, 15:07

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question asked: 23 Mar '12, 14:26

question was seen: 7,707 times

last updated: 10 Dec '13, 15:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum