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I added a new road to openstreet map, i selected a small area with few roads and i exported the .osm file to computer.Than I converted .osm file to .img using mkgmap and send it to my gps (garmin nuvi 40 lm) with mapsource. When i try to navigate to a place on the new street that Ive added, gps its going off-road directly to that place. What I did wrong?! Ive atached a picture. Thank youalt text

asked 23 Mar '12, 07:45

stege's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Maybe your navi lets you choose between on-road and off-road navigation? Did you check your settings? Make sure, that on-road navigation is switched on.

(23 Mar '12, 07:53) moszkva ter

is switced on

(23 Mar '12, 08:09) stege

That's here I presume? Could you post the command line that you used to run mkgmap with?

(23 Mar '12, 10:18) SomeoneElse ♦

I used java -jar mkgmap.jar data.osm

(23 Mar '12, 11:39) stege

You'll need, at the very least, to build a routable map. If you look at this page you'll see that the example given is as follows:

java -jar mkgmap.jar --route --remove-short-arcs *.osm.gz

You're not passing "--route", so it's not building a routable map, and instead your Garmin is probably routing over the Garmin basemap.

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answered 23 Mar '12, 12:27

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

I tried *

java -jar mkgmap.jar --route --remove-short-arcs .osm.gz

and it says could not open data.osm.gz file. I have just data.osm in mkgmap folder, nothhing about *.osm.gz

(23 Mar '12, 12:56) stege

Just use your data.osm file, so:

java -jar mkgmap.jar --route --remove-short-arcs data.osm
(23 Mar '12, 13:13) SomeoneElse ♦

it`s working now!!! Thanks a lot!

(23 Mar '12, 13:26) stege

Pleased you have the solution stege.Please tic SomeoneEsle's answer,to indicate that it is the best answer, I know this is not obvious but you know now and hopefully a few others will to. Ideally each questions will have a green tic answer. It took me a while for me to learn this! Thanks

(23 Mar '12, 18:02) andy mackey

Procedure seems fine, except that I wonder why you only added the road to your own copy of the data, and not the main osm db ?

It seems unlikely that your Nüvi would be able to route on some roads but not others. Check that

  • The road you added is tagged apropriately (at least a highway tag)
  • Your export does contain the new road (how did you export without saving to the main osm db ? With JOSM ?)
  • The road is visible (if not routeable) on the device

If the problem is with the generation of the .img, your command-line and perhaps mkgmap version is needed to see whatever you may have done wrong.

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answered 23 Mar '12, 10:57

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

I modified road in Potlatch and I saved. I exported .osm file from browser and I used mkgmap-r2248 to generate .img file

(23 Mar '12, 11:52) stege

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question asked: 23 Mar '12, 07:45

question was seen: 5,966 times

last updated: 23 Mar '12, 18:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum