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Is there a way to draw a circle automatically round a node (the way you can in google maps)?



asked 22 Mar '12, 13:58

MapperMan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you're using potlatch 2, you can draw a square round your node (even a very small one) select it and then click on the round tool. Done?

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answered 22 Mar '12, 15:20

Sylvain's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Mar '12, 15:20


Functions to build an object as a circle are also included in the other popular editors like Merkaartor or JOSM.

(22 Mar '12, 20:24) stephan75

But then how do you define the radius of circle?

(09 Dec '16, 08:24) Wetitpig0

The radius is deduced by the square (or other object) you have drawn.

(09 Dec '16, 09:01) scai ♦

The diagonal or side length?

(09 Dec '16, 10:14) Wetitpig0

Just try it out and you will see :)

(09 Dec '16, 10:19) scai ♦


(09 Dec '16, 10:22) Wetitpig0

and in P2, once you have a circle of one size, you can use the "Parallel way" tool to create another one of a different size

(09 Dec '16, 14:29) neuhausr
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments

JOSM has a draw-circle function. I usually crank up the default number of nodes used in the advanced options to get a smooth circle. One annoyance with this however, is that you can't specify the center of the circle and a radius and have it work, you have to select two spots on opposite sides of your circle on the diameter vector and then hit draw circle.

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answered 22 Mar '12, 21:51

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

edited 09 Dec '16, 12:52

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question asked: 22 Mar '12, 13:58

question was seen: 10,399 times

last updated: 09 Dec '16, 14:29

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