I downloaded multiple street layers using OSM and converted them to shapefiles using OSM2SHP. Now when I try to give it a Projected Coordinate System (Specifically UTM Zone 19) for Dominican Republic the layers have a big exponential value. Something like 10^17 or close and therefore, they are not being displayed on the screen. I did some research and found out OSM coordinate system but I can't find it in GIS. I see other people don't have allot of trouble with this therefore I must be doing a simple mistake. asked 21 Mar '12, 13:29 Vaironxxrd |
OpenStreetMap data uses EPSG:4326 (WGS84). Adding a .prj file to matching the .shp filename should resolve the issues. eg: if the file is called Africa.shp, download the .prj file from the above link and rename it to Africa.prj
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answered 22 Mar '12, 00:39 Firefishy ♦♦ |