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Hi everyone!

I convert .osm - data into pgsql-database.

When I try to render images from these databases/tables.

I use Python version 2.7.2 with Mapnik-2.0.1rc0.

My .py:


import mapnik
from mapnik import Layer, PostGIS
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import sys, os

def render_image(start_time,end_time):

    ll = (30.708,-27.414,32.179,-25.652)
    prj = mapnik.Projection("+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84")
    c0 = prj.forward(mapnik.Coord(ll[0],ll[1]))
    c1 = prj.forward(mapnik.Coord(ll[2],ll[3]))

z = 3
imgx = 336 * z
imgy = 450 * z

m = mapnik.Map(imgx,imgy)

db_params = dict(
  dbname = 'gis',
  user = 'Hein',
  password = '1234',
  host = 'localhost',
  port = 5432,
  estimate_extent = False,
  extent = "3390650.221286806, -3163145.87245787, 3609898.596229789, -2956043.104540316"

lyr = Layer('points',"+init=epsg:900913")
###db_params['table'] = '(planet_osm_line,planet_osm_point,planet_osm_polygon,planet_osm_roads)'
db_params['table'] = 'planet_osm_point'
lyr.datasource = PostGIS(**db_params)

if hasattr(mapnik,'mapnik_version') and mapnik.mapnik_version() >= 800:
    bbox = mapnik.Box2d(c0.x,c0.y,c1.x,c1.y)
    bbox = mapnik.Envelope(c0.x,c0.y,c1.x,c1.y)
im = mapnik.Image(imgx,imgy)
mapnik.render(m, im)
view = im.view(0,0,imgx,imgy) # x,y,width,height"map.png",'png')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cur_time = datetime(2010,8,10,0,0,0)
    end_time = datetime(2010,12,6,23,59,59)
    delta = timedelta(minutes=+30)
    while cur_time < end_time:
        render_image(cur_time.isoformat(), (cur_time+delta).isoformat())
        cur_time = cur_time + delta

I got this file from example-code and modified it. But there are some lines, where I don't know, what they mean and if they are useful.

What kind of XML-stylesheet must I use? Where can I get sample XML-code, that I can use?

I would be very happy if anyone could help me. Thank you!

Greets, Matze

asked 20 Mar '12, 12:52

MHein's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Mar '12, 13:03

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question asked: 20 Mar '12, 12:52

question was seen: 7,254 times

last updated: 20 Mar '12, 13:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum