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I've discovered an error every time a search is performed in many places of Costa Rica. No matter what you look for, the result always include "Vázquez de Coronado, San José, Costa Rica".

That place does exist, however it is a specific "city" (Vázquez de Coronado) and a specific "state" (San José). I've quoted state and city because they're not exactly as they are -for example- in the United States but quite equivalent.

The problem is like if for any search at the USA, "Miami, Florida" appeared.

I wonder if that info was included in the whole country polygon, but I'm not able to edit that.

Any help appreciated.


-- If you look fo the City "San Isidro", in the State of "Heredia", in the country "Costa Rica" I mean, if you look for "San Isidro, Heredia, Costa Rica", I've got as result:

Town San Isidro, Vázquez de Coronado, San José, Costa Rica

-- Looking for: "Manuel Antonio, Quepos, Puntrenas"

OSM returns: Manuel Antonio, Quepos, Vázquez de Coronado, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

asked 19 Mar '12, 22:02

Luis%20Carlos%20Solano's gravatar image

Luis Carlos ...
accept rate: 0%

To troubleshoot Nominatim search errors, go to the Nominatim web site and perform the search. Now on the search results, click on the 'details' link. I believe the problem is that Vázquez de Coronado is placed as a 'region' node and not as a polygon, or as a 'region' instead of a city.

permanent link

answered 20 Mar '12, 11:37

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%

Thanks for your answer, that was the problem. I removed the node, as a polygon already exist.

(20 Mar '12, 23:35) Luis Carlos ...

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question asked: 19 Mar '12, 22:02

question was seen: 4,028 times

last updated: 17 Sep '12, 14:06

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