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How do I structure a command to call osmosis using Python on Win 7? I want to use Python so that I can loop through several different bounding boxes

For example, if I use the following command I can call osmosis:

import subprocess['J:/osmosis-0.40.1/bin/osmosis.bat'])

If try passing more arguments using this approach I get an error:

import subprocess['J:/osmosis-0.40.1/bin/osmosis.bat', '--read-xml', 'enableDateParsing=no', 'file="J:/DATA/OSM/massachusetts.osm.bz2"', '--bounding-box top=42.48 left=-71.31 bottom=42.23 right=42.48', '--write-xml', 'file="J:/DATA/OSM/extracted_using_py.osm.bz2"'])

This question is based on my earlier question today about using osmosis/bzcat. I'm not sure how to break up my arguments (and I've tried a lot of different options).

asked 19 Mar '12, 19:59

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accept rate: 0%


What error do you get?

(25 Nov '14, 13:23) rorym

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question asked: 19 Mar '12, 19:59

question was seen: 3,545 times

last updated: 25 Nov '14, 13:23

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