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Can anyone show me how to create a lake and name it, presumably it will be similar for a woodland area or industrial buildings etc?--still very very much a newbi!--thanks

asked 19 Mar '12, 14:16

Burton%20wanderer's gravatar image

Burton wanderer
accept rate: 0%

Thanks everyone for the info.

(22 Mar '12, 20:35) Burton wanderer

If you edit in potlatch2 and you have a good Bing image of the lake (that's the aerial image you can select in the editor) and you have some traces to check the alignment then you can draw around the lake as before just make sure the last node joins the first this will reveal lake as among the water features for you to choose. see I understand there is a need to trace lakes and islands in opposite directions to set water to left or right of line hopefully some body will add that information for us.

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answered 19 Mar '12, 19:12

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 23 Mar '12, 16:29

neuhausr's gravatar image


Here's some info regarding direction of way for coastlines which logically is relevant. So have the land to left and water to right so go anti clock around an island and clockwise around a lake.

(20 Mar '12, 09:36) andy mackey

Only coastline needs to stick to the land-on-the-left rule. Everything else can be drawn in either direction. If you want to draw a lake with islands you need to use a mulipolygon relation to draw the island as a polygon within the lake polygon.

(22 Mar '12, 20:41) ChrisH

Thanks Chris I hadn't read and fully understood that

(23 Mar '12, 09:57) andy mackey

In Potlatch, creating a lake involves drawing a way that closes on itself, you can then set it as a lake by selecting the drop-down menu under "water". The Basic and Details tabs will then let you set a name. Woodlands and Industrial Areas (industrial buildings are more complicated) are similar: you'll find Forests under "nature" (although the default tag choice appears incorrect IMO) and industrial land under "Landuse".

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answered 19 Mar '12, 22:38

Circeus's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

edited 19 Mar '12, 22:48

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question asked: 19 Mar '12, 14:16

question was seen: 3,596 times

last updated: 23 Mar '12, 16:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum