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HOla: He añadido rotondas y calles que no existían y luego he calculado una ruta con OpenRouteService y no hace caso a mis cambios, mis cambios salen dibujados en el mapa, pero no se tienen en cuenta para los cálculos de ruta. Sé que algo hago mal. Las calles las he dibujado calcándolas de otros mapas, así de simple, tal vez así no se pueden hacer y hay que meter otros datos, no lo sé? Ya no voy a dibujar nada más, no valla a seguir metiendo la pata, con lo contento que estaba yo de contribuir. Haber si alguien me puede decir que me falta por hacer o añadir.

Aquí pongo el enlace donde se ve como ignora mis rotondas:,42.8388571&end=-1.5842416,42.8315737&pref=Fastest&lang=es&noMotorways=false&noTollways=false


asked 19 Mar '12, 13:14

menguetxe's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jun '13, 03:46

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Hi, I added roundabouts and streets that did not exist then I have calculated a route OpenRouteService and ignores my changes, my changes out drawn on the map, but not taken into account for route calculations. I know something I do wrong. I have drawn the streets calcándolas of other maps, so simple, so maybe you can not do and you have to put other data, do not know? I will not draw anything more, no fence to keep screwing up, so I was glad to contribute. Have if anyone can tell me I need to do or add.

(19 Mar '12, 14:32) SomeoneElse ♦

Right now, at the top right of the OpenRouteService window it displays:

OSM-Data for Routing: 11.03.12 OSM-Data for Geocoding: 14.08.11 OSM-Data for POI-Search: every sunday

So right now it's using OSM data from 11th March. This is perfectly normal; the various OSM-based services don't update immediately, and the actual delay varies.

You'll need to wait until the date showing against "OSM-Data for Routing" is later than the date at which you added data for it to use what you added.

permanent link

answered 19 Mar '12, 14:35

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Muchas gracias por contestar tan rápidamente y claro. un saludo

(19 Mar '12, 14:39) menguetxe

OpenRouteService seems to be not maintained anymore. Look at the wiki to find up-to-date routering services.

(09 Jun '13, 04:06) malenki

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question asked: 19 Mar '12, 13:14

question was seen: 3,305 times

last updated: 09 Jun '13, 04:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum

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