Hi I am a total novice, so please excuse me if this is a stupid question. i have just bought a Garmin Edge 800, and downloaded your excellent UK map. I have completed a couple of trips, but when I try and upload them to the OpenStreetMap site, I find that my files are in .fit format, rather than .gpx. How can I resolve this? Regards Billthecoder asked 18 Mar '12, 07:45 Billthecoder stephan75 |
According to this page, you can import FIT to Garmin Training Center or Garmin Connect, then export as TXC. You can use GPSBabel to convert TXC to GPX. answered 18 Mar '12, 20:01 TheOddOne2 |
Maybe Routeconverter can handle and convert that fit files. answered 22 Mar '12, 19:48 stephan75 Not yet, is the FIT SDK (http://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/11292/fit-files/11432) the correct library to achieve this?
(05 Apr '12, 08:06)
Apologies for such a late response... the latest version (1.4.4) of gpsbabel reads garmin fit files from an Edge 800 as both input (and output). It loses some information (something I think may be resolved) like date/time (taking 'now' instead of trace metadata... but I don't know if that's fit or just gpsbabel), but the gps trace/route IS intact. e.g. an example import gpsbabel -i garmin_fit -f /mnt/GARMIN/Garmin/Activities/activity20120918.fit -o gpx -F ~/tmp/output.gpx Hope that helps! answered 28 Sep '12, 10:01 spaceyjase |
I'm posting this here because Google likes this and I thought it might be useful if your running linux and lazy like me and want a one-click solution. This finds fit files in anything mounted called "garmin" and puts gpx files with the same name into a folder in your home folder called "Tracks" Thanks to spaceyjase for the gpsbabel syntax.
answered 13 May '15, 19:00 thehungarian |
Current versions of GARMIN connect can export .gpx files directly. answered 14 May '15, 16:43 SimonPoole ♦ |