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I would like to export detailed maps of a bigger area - but the export wizard wont let me in the size I want. I understand about download traffic - would it be possible in a special period or what can I do?


asked 17 Mar '12, 16:12

richardnani's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

No. This is not (just) because of the traffic but (also) because of the considerable CPU and memory use that you would cause with such a request. You will have to install the necessary software to render this map yourself (unless you maybe find acceptable). You will probably find a few helpful posts if you enter "print" in the search box above.

permanent link

answered 17 Mar '12, 16:16

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks for the quick answer. But what is the necessary software and in what format do I download the map information I need to render such a map?

I have EBV-software (Like Photoshop) and can merge the tiles manually (what I did with googlemaps & co. so far) - but that was just the reason to go here to ease this process ....

(17 Mar '12, 16:57) richardnani

You will download the data in OSM's XML or PBF formats, and then use rendering software to convert that into a bitmap. Various rendering technologies are available to you as free software.

You can also download tiles and combine them into a large image. This is called "bulk downloading" and violates the tile server policy. You won't be blocked for downloadig a couple hundred tiles - you can easily load so many when browsing - but at the size you mentioned we're talking 10,000 tiles which is clearly not acceptable.

(17 Mar '12, 19:10) Frederik Ramm ♦

Thanks again!

I just test-downloaded a jpg-bitmap of an area and also downloaded an even smaller area in osm-xml-format. The xml-file was nearly the same size as the much bigger area jpg-image.

So I dont really understand the size-problem for large size downloads.

What is the easiest and most practacable approach to render images from osm-files? I'm not a bit-frickler, so I dont like to work with coding problems or any kind of software environment I may need to run some of the applications I need for rendering.

(17 Mar '12, 19:35) richardnani

If you don't want to run the software then you will have to pay someone to do it for you. You might want to check out the standardised offerings of or, or consult one of the professionals listed on to help with your project.

(17 Mar '12, 20:08) Frederik Ramm ♦

That does not answer my question:

What is the easiest and most practacable approach to render images from osm-files?

(17 Mar '12, 20:26) richardnani

There are many methods for rendering images from OSM files, none of which are particularly easy. For more information, please see or If doing the rendering yourself is too hard, you might want to try downloading OSM-based tiles from a different provider. Please see

(17 Mar '12, 21:09) Matt
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question asked: 17 Mar '12, 16:12

question was seen: 9,301 times

last updated: 17 Mar '12, 21:09

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